Tsog Dates 2024/25

Suggested List of Introductory Books on Tibetan Buddhism

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Prayer for the Quick Return of
Geshe Sopa Rinpoche
Composed by
His Holiness the Dalai Lama



Listen to the audio file (152 MB file) of His Holiness' teaching in Madison, May 2013 of Je Tsongkhapa's
"In Praise of Dependent Origination"

Deer Park Buddhist Center Policy Regarding Shugden / Dolgyal

Geshe Lhundub Sopa Rinpoche, the founder of Deer Park Buddhist Center, did not practice or endorse the practice of Shugden.
Throughout his life, Geshe Lhundub Sopa Rinpoche fully supported His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s wish that the practice of  Shugden should not be done.
Monks at Deer Park Buddhist Center do not practice or endorse in the practice of Shugden.
It is the policy of Deer Park Buddhist Center to fully support the wishes and advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama with regard to the practice of Shugden.
Weekly Teaching Schedule

Sundays 10 a.m. to Noon
Geshe Tenzin Sherab is teaching "The Orament of Clear Realization" {Abhisamayalamkara}

Thursday Nights 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Geshe Lhundub Jinpa is teaching Lama Atisha's "The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland"

Periodic Retreats and Pujas

Nyung Ne retreat – this is a weekend long fasting retreat held near Sagadawa, the celebration of Sakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana.
Nyung Ne details -May 25, 2024 - May27, 2024
Sagadawa details - May 23, 2024

Other pujas are held on special days such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Birthday, Wheel-turning day, Buddha's Descent from Heaven of the 33, and the Anniversary of Je Tsong Khapa’s Parinirvana (Ganden Ngam Cho).

Upcoming Special Events at Deer Park

Deer Park Summer Course
July 8 - 26, 2024

Deer Park is very pleased to announce the Summer Course for 2024.

We are so fortunate to welcome Ven. Zeekgyab Rinpoche, abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in South India. He will teach the first week. 

Ven. Geshe Tenzin Sherab and Ven. Geshe Lhundup Jinpa, Deer Park’s wonderful resident teachers, will each teach on different topics for the second and third weeks. 

Summer Course Poster 2024

Program Details Poster
  • There are no prerequisites for these teachings.
  • The teachings will be presented in Tibetan and translated to English.
  • Please read Course Details to learn more.
  • Kindly register by Friday, June 14 using this Registration Form.
Please contact us with any questions at deerparkcourse@gmail.com.

Thank you!

July 8 - 12, 2024
Ven. Zeekgyab Rinpoche
 will teach Acarya Nagarjuna’s "Precious Garland," a text of 500 verses which presents the worldly and transcendent – conventional and ultimate realities. It is an integration of the wisdom needed within our spiritual journey toward Buddhahood with the complex demands of daily life. Every page of this text holds a transformative meditation on how to make all of our actions a cause for enlightenment. 

July 15 - 19, 2024
Ven. Geshe Tenzin Sherab will continue teaching Arya Nagarjuna's "Commentary on Bodhicitta." This is a beautiful and profound text just to read. Each verse is a meditation. In Arya Nagarjuna's own words: "I shall explain here the meditative practice of awakening mind that destroys cyclic existence." Arya Nagarjuna then explains how the nature of our mind being empty of inherent existence can evolve into the omniscience of a Buddha. An opportunity to be guided through this text is most fortunate!

July 22 - 26, 2024
Ven. Geshe Lhundup Jinpa will teach Yang jen ga way lo dro’s "Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth," a teaching considered a preliminary (ngondro) and indispensable to practicing the generation and completion stages of Tantra. It is a unique Buddhist perspective about the process of death and rebirth and helps us to understand the causes of Buddhahood. Taking death onto the path transforms into the Dharmakaya, intermediate state (bardo) into the Sambhogakaya, and rebirth into the Nirmanakaya – the three bodies of a Buddha! This is a rare opportunity to immerse ourselves into this fascinating topic. There are no prerequisites for this course.  

Day of Meditation Schedule 2024

The Deer Park teachers and community are pleased to announce next year's Day of Meditation schedule. There will be four sessions hosted at the Deer Park Buddhist Center. Each day will include morning and afternoon sessions of sitting meditation along with teachings by Deer Park resident teachers, Ven. Geshe Tenzin Sherab and Ven, Geshe Lhundub Jinpa.

Day of Meditation

Deer Park Buddhist Center
4548 Schneider Dr, Oregon, WI 53575

Saturday, April 20th, 2024

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Saturday, August 17th, 2024 - Click this link to Register for event ...
($30 suggested payment which includes lunch)

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

PROVIDED: Lunch and refreshments

Sitting & walking meditation practice
Dharma teachings in both morning and afternoon sessions
All new and experienced practitioners are welcome.

So mark your calendars and we hope to see you next year!

Deer Park Warmly Welcomes Geshe Lhundup Jinpa
Teachings started:  Thursday, July 20,2023 at 6:30 PM

Deer Park warmly welcomes new resident teacher, Geshe Lhundup Jinpa.  We are very fortunate to have another highly qualified Lharampa Geshe in residence at Deer Park.  Please see below, the biography of Geshe Jinpa.  Geshe Jinpa will teach the regular Thursday evening teachings beginning on Thursday, July 20,2023 at 6:30 PM.

Geshe Jinpa will start teaching on March 21,2024 on Geshe Chekawa's "Seven Points of Mind Training" a famed
lojong text.
Below are links for English and Tibetan versions of this text.


Ven, Geshe Lhundub Jinpa

Weekly audio files of teachings
by Geshe Tenzin Sherab:
Geshe Tenzin Sherab

Ornament for Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 12/3/23

Background on Ornament for Clear Realization
GLJ audio teaching 12/10/23

Background on Ornament for Clear Realizations
GLJ audio teachings 12/17/23

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 3/17/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 3/24/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 3/31/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 4/7/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 4/14/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 6/2/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 6/9/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 6/16/24

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 6/23/24

Weekly Thursday Night audio teachings
by Geshe Lhundup Jinpa

Lama Atisha's The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland
GLJ audio teaching 10/24/23

Lama Atisha's The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland
GLJ audio teaching 11/9/23

Lama Atisha's The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland
GLJ audio teaching 11/16/23

Lama Atisha's The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland
GLJ audio teaching 11/30/23

Lama Atisha's The Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland
GLJ audio teaching 12/14/23

Geshe Chekawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 3/21/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Trarining
GLJ audio teaching 3/28/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 4/4/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLG audio teaching 4/11/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 4/18/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/6/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/13/24

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/20/24


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